Ever feel like there has to be something more to life?
This thought was the spark for complete life change for me and my family back in 2011.
It led us to make a decision that changed everything for us.
So far, this one decision has led us to:
- Name our new life journey "Finding Life" (2011)
- Adopt a child (2012)
- Take trips to the other side of the world (2017, 2018)
- Sell everything we own and move across the country (2019)
- Help start a new church (2019)
- Take "Finding Life" online & start a YouTube channel (2023)
There is so much more to life than meets the eye. It's so easy for us to just follow the crowd and do what everyone else is doing, but this is not the path to our life. The path to life is narrow and difficult, and sadly, most people never find it. My goal is to help you find it.
When we live true to the person we were created to be, and true to the life we were created to live, this is where we find our greatest joy and fulfillment. This is where we find our greatest peace. This is where we find life.
I'm here to help you find your life.
If you've ever felt like there has to be something more to life, I promise you, that's because there is.
Join us today and let's start Finding Life together!

A video-based online course covering the foundational and practical components for finding life and living life true to you.

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Brian is blessed beyond measure to have been married to the girl of his dreams for over 30 years now. Brian and Bobbi have three awesome children and currently reside in Southern California.
Brian is passionate about life and what matters most.
(He also loves solopreneurship (full-time self-employed x 2; working on #3), life motivation, and YouTube! 😜)