Support the Mission of sBrianBell - Finding LIFE!

A Personal Message from Brian:


Hey friend,

First off, I want to sincerely thank you for being here. 

In 2023, I started a new quest to use what I've learned on my 12-year journey of finding life to help others find life as well. 

If you would like to support me and my mission of helping others find life, please consider the following options:

My mission is to live life true to my God-given design, and to help others do the same; to help others find life in Christ above all things; to help others find life true to themselves; and to point them to the one true Creator, Author, and Source of life.  

Please know, any amount or involvement is so greatly appreciated. 


Missions near and dear to our hearts:

  • Echo Church - The church we moved from Tennessee to California to help start in 2019. 
  • OC United - An incredible local non-profit organization that helps so many people in need in our local community.
  • Drops of Grace - Our missionary friends that moved from Tennessee to Uganda.  
  • K-Love Radio - Encouraging, Positive, K-Love.